members present:
keith smith, c.horner, t.kibble,a.kibble,p.mcalinden,n.mcalinden,j.cummins,a.mobbs,
secretery introduced new member t.humpries to other members.secretary explained club rules/ subcriptions etc to t.humphries
david evans decided to leave club and will be replaced as soon as possible. i would like to thank david for his support for the club over the last few years.
social side:
1, it was decided to make a better effort prizes wise, for the next presentation raffle.
2, at the beer and skittles night arranged for sat 23/03/13 it was decided that colin horner will take charge of scoring. andrew redmond ( the birmingham city chef) will be cooking curry and rice for all present on the night. if possible we would like limit numbers to 52. it will cost 3pound per person. this covers 2 pound for food a 1 pound entry fee.
3, 2013 annual, it will once again cost 5 pound per head ,member and non members to cover cost of coach. if possible we will be returning to the alma inn for a good drink after match.
1, secretary handed out list of matches to all members present.
2, there will be a new competition for 2013 a team of 4 league.
3, 2012 singles and pairs champions picked the waters they want to defend there titles on.
4, 2012 veterans champion also picked the water he wants to defend his title on.
5, the new winter league continues and will be fished over 4 scrambles after/ before club matches.
6,it was decided that all members will be allowed to drop their worst club match score (aggregate score)
it was decided to continue with pre match meetings to be held on the weds before each match except, matches in june and july when we have two matches. the meetings will held on the weds prior to the first match in both these months. only one meeting per month.
1, subscriptions remain at 40 pounds for 9 club matches.
2, match day pools remain at 5 pound of which 1 pound will be put into the golden peg. golden peg multiplies by 10 pound each match until won. if not won money goes to fur & feather prizes.the remaining 4 pound pools money will be split for 4 pizes on match days.
3, subscription payment cards were handed out to all members present.
4, tony kibble the club auditor handed out balnce sheets and explained income & expenditure for 2012.
committee re-elections:
all committee mebers from 2012 were re-elected and all members seemed happy with the outcome.
travel to matches:
secretary explained that all non drivers should sort out their own lifts to and from matches before day of match and would be a good idea to contribute to fuel costs.
the draws for all k.o. and teams of four were made by colin horner, gordon chester and stan chester.
meeting closed.
lists of the k.o. competitions and teams of four have been posted on this forum.
thanks once again to all members for their help.