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 main points of a.g.m 29/01/12

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Number of posts : 965
Age : 65
Location : birmingham
Registration date : 2008-11-10

main points of a.g.m 29/01/12 Empty
PostSubject: main points of a.g.m 29/01/12   main points of a.g.m 29/01/12 EmptyMon Jan 30, 2012 7:01 pm

16 members turned up for clubs a.g.m apologies from tony kibble,john cummins, john goode jnr and john goode snr.excellent turn out once again.

all members were given a list of matches for 2012 and an updated list of club rules.

secretary, treasurer, weighing in, and peggers were re-elected to their posts. no change.

optional pools will remain at £5, £4 going into a four way split and £1 going into a peg draw before match.
it was decided by members to include all 20 pegs in peg draw even if not all 20 pegs are being fished, meaning if a number is pulled out of bag that is not being fished, all £20 will go to club.otherwise as per normal, £10 to peg draw winner and £10 to club.
only members will be allowed to fish for pools money. guests will still be allowed if there are any spare pegs. they will pay their peg money only, enjoy a days fishing get weighed in but will not be allowed to win a share of pools money.

subscricptions will remain at £40 as long as members continue to support club by having goes on cards and clubs bingo.
once again £10 must be paid in by may match, £20 by first july match, £30 by september and all subs paid in full by october meeting. this is to stop anyone fishing all matches then leaving club without paying subs, clubs funds must be protected.

the shadow league will be reduced from bottom 10 to bottom five only. as a lot of members have improved an awful lot over the last year and this gives EVERYONE a real chance to win a trophy.
shadow league for 2012 as follows:
john cummins,
alfie mobbs,
john goode jnr,
david evans,
david preece.

from now on only members will be allowed to sit in on club meetings.friends, wife, girl friend etc will have to sit in another room until meeting complete i.e. meetings will take place in back room.

presentation night was a great sucess: secretary thanked dave gordon for his hard work in sorting out room , disco etc.
also thanks went to sue preece, tracie gordon and andrea smith for their excellent work sorting out buffet, glynis kibble and carol cummins raising a huge amount once again from the raffle, colin horner for reading out raffle winners and presenting raffle prizes.best of all we made a profit!

the annual match will take place at leigh sinton fishery near malvern. a 50 seater coach has been booked with endevour coaches. it will cost £5 per head for your seat and this is across the board both members and non members. £5 for your seat must be paid in by may meeting . this was decided by all members present at the a.g.m. as i need to know numbers wishing to come along . it was decided not to have a breakfast at fishery. reason being the sooner we get the match finished and the coach loaded up the longer we have in the pub after match!

secretary apologised to david preece for making him walk a long distance at bidford on avon. club rules state anyone over 65 will draw first to avoid long walks and dangerous pegs. i stated on day only over 70's get this privlidge. as luck had it john cummins drew an early number peg so only dave had a long walk. again all i can say is sorry at i will not let this happen again!!!

secretary welcomed new member andrew kibbel who replaces louis poole, only change this year.

john goode snr will be staying with club after ill health, not sure how many matches he will be able to make but his place in club will always be safe.
only problem this may cause is with k.o. competitons. it was decided that if john can not make singles first round then colin horner who was drawn against john will get a bye into next round.
doubles , it was decided that if john can't make first round then his partner neil will double his weight, this will be a one off . if john can not make second round then john will be replaced for rest of doubles k.o. this will be done by drawing out a number from a bag, the number will relate to one of the members knocked out of the first round will then become neil's partner for the rest of competition. clear as mud eh! lol!

it was decided that winners of vetrans trophy, singles and pairs k.o. competitions would be allowed from now on to choose the venues they want to defend their trophies on.
mick decided the singles matches all five rounds will be fished on the first five venues!
john and keith decided pairs first round at hunnington, 2nd round on the foley pool at the riddings, semi at leigh sinton and final on the river anker!
forgot to ask john about vetrans trophy venue, sorry Embarassed will sort it out by next meeting.

unless stated other wise we will be meeting at 8am on club car park prior to matches.

for a bit of fun you may have noticed ther is a new board set up on here called colin's bog blog!
colin will be doing a star rating plus report and photo's on each fisheries toilet facillities (sorry if that is spelt wrong lol! )

due to the fact tony kibbel could not make meeting, clubs finances will be discussed at next meeting. alf mobbs gave members a rough outline of clubs finances.


it was decided that club members would like arrange a coach for a trip to blackpool in october. need to know numbers. NOT FISHING!!!!!! would need to sell all seats if possible. the more seats sold the cheaper the cost per person.

a february open will be arranged for feb 25th by secretay at lavender hall to take advatage of winter peg fees. £4.50 before march!.

next meeting will be on weds 22nd feb prior to feb open at lavender hall.

would like to thank all members for their support in 2011 and i'm sure 2012 will be our best year yet!

meeting closed!

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main points of a.g.m 29/01/12
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