main points of a.g.m.
jim langston will not be with the club again this year so we have the same 20 members as last year. all current committee members were re-elected. a new committe was formed to sort out peg problems.adrian, dan, gordon and mark have final say if peg is fishable, " NO ARGUMERNTS "
john goode was added to early pegs.
3 coach trips, 1st to worcester, lower broadheath.22/6/19
2nd coopers pool/arms weston on trent plus derby town centre 27/7/19
3rd weston super mare none fishing trip 17/8/19
details to follow.
it was decided to hold the presentation night at the residence club sat 30/11/19
everyone happy with financial report.
subscriptions to remain at 50.00 for another year.
match day pools to increase by 1 pound to six pounds.
it was decided that all members sign a waver of any insurence claim againt any committe member or the club.
match venues for 2019 were handed out to all members.
points system to remain the same as last year.
the secretary will order all members a blue personalised t shirt in there size.
a big thank you to all who attended.