3, members left club Gordon chester, david preece and tony walker.
3 new members joined club, steven gould, Anthony gould and kevin lane
there was a review of the 2019 season. all results handed out to each member.
all members thanked for their efforts.
2020 all matches booked. all paper work handed out to each member. there will be an extra match this year so 10 aggregate matches this year.
colin horner has booked and paid for a match at hawksbridge on sat june 13th. all members invited it,s free to fish to celebrate colins 65th birthday.
all rules for matches will be posted on face book the week before each match.
I have booked a spring open match at hoar park. max 16 pegs message me if you want to fish, £10 all in.
2020 subscription will stay at £50
a payment card was handed out to each member.
carol Gordon will be taking over from Gordon chester helping colin horner checking the bingo weekly.
nick lane will be taking over from Gordon chester helping stuart berrow on weighing in duties.
the club presentation night will take place in the Bromford residents club on Saturday 28th November. will book same d.j. as last year.
there will be 3 coach trips. 2 fishing 1 none fishing. going to Worcester (cob house) bridgenorth ( aston eyre) , Gloucester quays (none fishing)
all seats will cost £12 each on all 3 trips.
aggregate points system will stay the same as last year with all results counting towards aggregate, shadow league and teams of 4.
any peg problems see Adrian constable,dan constable or mark poole. their decision is final no arguments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
club will not be paying for insurance. you will all be responsible for your own safety .
2020 early pegs: Maurice constable, john poole, tony kibble and bob Williams.
golden peg will continue in same format. pools on day of all aggregate matches will be £6 of which £1 will be added to golden peg pot.
rules: we fish to fishery rules. it was decided by all members that if anyone is seen handling fish with a towel dry or wet will be disqualified no arguments, you have been warned!!!!!
it was decided that if both anglers fishing against one another do not turn up to fish match then both will be out! who ever draws one of said members will get a bye the next round. same will happen if all 4 anglers in a pairs match do not turn up.
it was decided that club will remain based at the Bromford residence club.
we still need to find a name for extra match trophy.
dave Gordon put foreward that colin horner, Adrian constable and keith smith have no need to pay subscriptions due to their hard work raising money for the club. members voted to pass the motion. keith smith will be paying his subscription his decision.
nick asked if we could have an extra 15 minutes to set up before matches. this motion voted down by most members so you still have an hour to set up.
all draws for k.o competions were made by beth after meeting.
meeting closed.
thanks to all who attended.