i was going to keep this secret until the next presentation night but everyone knows who's won it so here is the final league table . four match series fished at : fisherwick streams pool, highley farm, packington somers little geary's pool and the riddings foley pool.
four sets of points for everyone who took part even if they only fished one match.
1st tony kibble 7,5,1,1 = 14 points
2nd neil mcalinden 14,2,2,2 = 20 points
3rd= keith smith 4,7,5,5, = 21 points
3rd= john cummins 5,8,5,3 = 21 points
3rd= andrew kibble 2,9,4,6 = 21 points
6th micky davis 7,1,3,12 = 23 points
7th dave gordon 3,9,5,8 = 25 points
8th colin horner 6,4,,5,11 = 26 points
9th peter mcalinden 7,3,5,12 = 27 points
10th= alfie mobs 7,9,5,12 = 33 points
10th= gordon chester 14,5,5,9, = 33 points
10th= john poole 7,9,13,4, = 33 points
13th= ken smith 1,10,13,12 = 36 points
14th mark poole 7,9,13,10 = 39 points
15th paul davis 14,10,13,7 = 44 points
16th david evans 7,10,13,17 = 47 points
17th stan chester 14,10,13,12 = 49 points