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 fur and feather 23/9/23 blythe waters

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Number of posts : 965
Age : 65
Location : birmingham
Registration date : 2008-11-10

fur and feather 23/9/23 blythe waters Empty
PostSubject: fur and feather 23/9/23 blythe waters   fur and feather 23/9/23 blythe waters EmptySat Sep 23, 2023 7:53 pm

fur and feather match 23/9/23 on willow pool , blythe waters
1st dan constable 51-08-00
2nd dave ravenall 39-12-00
3rd colin horner 32-08-00
4th paul hanson 27-08-00
5th dave gordon 25-00-00
6th neil wells 17-00-00
7th steven gould 14-04-00
8th carol gordon 14-00-00
9th martin barnes 12-10-00
10th bob williams 10-00-00
11th stuart berrow 08-00-00
12th jim langston 06-04-00
13th ada constable 04-00-00
14th keith smith 01-04-00
15th micky clifford 00-02-00
keith smith was in golden peg
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fur and feather 23/9/23 blythe waters
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